FAI Free Flight World Cup 2023


Report of the FAI Jury on FF Memorijal Danko Sokolic 2023

Last update of this page: 12 October 2023
CompetitionFF Memorijal Danko Sokolic / July 16th 2023
FAI Jury members

1. Igor Niševic CRO

2. Robert Leško CRO

3. Anton Videnšek SLO

Advance information

Web page www.aeromodelarstvo.net Facebook, e-mail

Schedule of competition

Round 1: 09:00 - 10:15, Round 2: 10:15 - 11:30, Round 3: 11:30 - 12:45
Round 4: 12:45 - 14:00, Round 5: 14:00 - 15:15
Fly-off 1: flight time 480 seconds + altimeter
F1A 19:30, F1B: 19:45, F1Q: 20:00

Duration of rounds

75 minutes

Breaks between rounds


Maximum durations in each round

First round maximum flight time was 240 seconds. Rounds 2,3,4 maximum flight time was 180 seconds. Round 5 maximum flight time was 240 seconds.

Interruptions and delays


Weather and visibility

Excellent weather conditions. Sunny, temperature 31°C, 0-3 m/s wind speed. Flyoff 1: 1 m/s wind speed and normal visibility.

Flight line - changes of position


Number of starting poles

F1A 12, F1B 5, F1C 1, F1Q 3

Number of competitors per pole


Local rules or deviations from Sporting Code

Timing between competitors on each starting pole.
Additional timekeepers were provided by organizer for control timing.
Organizer has provided timekeepers for fly-off.

Observations on timekeeping

Stopwatches and binoculars were available on each starting pole.

Prize-giving and issue of results - confirm organisers provide results with full names, nationalities and number of juniors

Printed results with full names, nationalities and with indicated competitor junior status were available at info board on the flying field, updated regularly during the contest.
Prize giving was held on the flying field.

Any incident or accident




[Results of FF Memorijal Danko Sokolic]
[FF World Cup rules 2023] - [FF World Cup report 2023] - [FF World Cup results 2023]

This page produced by Ian Kaynes