FAI Free Flight World Cup 2024


Last update of this page: 12 January 2025

Note that extra classes such as F1G, F1H, F1J, F1S, etc, may be listed for some competitions in the FAI events calendar but these extra classes are not elgible for World Cup.

The F1N World Cup run in 2024 and shown below is an UNOFFICIAL EVENT, with F1N to have official status in 2025

Top results in each class are given on this page, select the required class name to access full placings.

Competition results including scores are available - select the name from the summary lists printed on this page after F1Q-Junior, F1E-Junior and F1D-Junior.

FAI World Cup 2024 top positions for class F1A

FAI IDpointscompetition results
1Jaroslaw JeziornyPOL 140631 2482 SM-1 SZ-1 KC-1 MV-2 PR-3 ZA-4 WB-11 CZ-12 HO-17 JA-12 SO-19
2Bostjan BagariSLO 68475 2399 HO-1 SO-1 CZ-2 HC-2 WB-12 KC-19 ZA-25 SZ-26
3Dusan FricCZE 30491 2358 MV-1 CR-1 ZA-2 SL-1 HC-5 CZ-7 EF-14 DS-11 WB-24
4Tomasz Jeziorny (J)POL 140632 2335 PR-1 WB-2 SM-3 MV-3 CZ-4 KC-4 JA-6 SP-13 ZA-19
5Eyal GalorBUL 177112 2306 SM-2 NG-1 BU-1 NN-2 MV-20
6Matija HrastSLO 68426 2301 ZA-1 AG-1 SO-2 SL-1 SZ-7 MV-10 CR-11 HC-16 KC-16 SM-28 FC-25

FAI World Cup 2024 top positions for class F1A-Junior

1Tomasz JeziornyPOL 140632 2391 PR-1 SM-1 MV-1 SP-1 CZ-1 WB-1 KC-2 JA-2 ZA-4 SO-4
2Luka NajdoskiMKD 162971 2266 MS-1 KC-1 SO-1 HO-2 NN-1 MD-1 SZ-1 MV-2 IK-2 PR-4 SM-5 SL-6
3Franek HalickiPOL 80574 2112 HO-1 ZA-1 CZ-2 KC-3
4Srdan VranjesBIH 160982 2066 IK-1 FC-1 SL-2 MS-2 SO-2 MV-3 NN-2 DS-2 MD-2 KC-4 CR-4 BU-3 SM-7
5Leonard DonnerGER 168532 2007 EF-1 PT-1 BE-1 CR-2 DS-3 HS-2
6Oleksii KosuloUKR 123646 1991 CR-1 BU-1 ZA-2 WB-2 FC-2 HO-5 KC-5 PR-13

FAI World Cup 2024 top positions for class F1B

1Oleg KulakovskyUKR 87101 2418 MM-1 ZA-1 JA-1 CR-1 MV-1 KW-2 NA-2 FC-3 SP-4 SM-3 SL-1
2Stanislaw SkibickiPOL 54069 2255 SP-1 SO-1 ZA-2 DS-2 FC-8 JA-6 SM-5 KC-4 HC-4 MV-8 HO-10
3Adam KrawiecPOL 53787 2202 KC-1 FC-2 CR-2 HO-2 SZ-2 MV-2 CZ-3 ZA-7 JA-7 SM-7 DS-9 SP-17 HA-1
4Michael SeifertGER 19508 2068 EF-1 CZ-1 NA-4 SP-5 WB-5 MM-23
5Edvard Larsen DagNOR 63281 2011 IK-1 SW-1 AV-1 JT-1 NC-1 BC-2 SP-6 NA-10 MM-12 SL-1 KC-4 SO-5 MS-4
6Bojan GostojicSRB 61952 2009 MS-1 MD-1 NN-2 MV-3 IK-2 SL-1 SM-9

FAI World Cup 2024 top positions for class F1B-Junior

1Oleksii KosyloUKR 123646 2011 ZA-1 WB-1 SO-1 SZ-1 HO-2 SL-1 JA-2 DS-2 SP-3 KC-2 NN-3 BU-3 CR-3
2Florian JackelGER 100799 1944 PR-1 JA-1 CZ-1 SL-1 SP-4
3Oleksandr KozhukaruUKR 168057 1747 BU-1 KC-1 PR-2 SO-2 DS-3
4Louison JacqueminFRA 141550 1727 SP-1 FC-1 BE-1 JA-3
5Lorenzo MorandiniFRA 102574 1408 HS-1 PT-1 PR-3 BE-2
6Yuxi ZhengCHN 171943 1308 NA-1 MM-1 KW-3

FAI World Cup 2024 top positions for class F1C

1Yuan GaoCHN 90603 2190 MM-1 NA-1 KW-1 AC-1 SC-1 PR-1 WW-2 MX-2 MG-4 AS-5 SR-1 KU-1
2Balazs BauerHUN 81416 2016 IK-1 HA-1 HC-1 ZA-1 KC-1 MS-2 SL-1 SO-2
3Soma BauerHUN 82279 1920 CZ-1 DS-1 HO-1 CR-2 HA-2 MS-3 ZA-2 IK-4
4Ken FauxGBR 66418 1705 SH-1 EQ-1 NA-3 KW-3
5Gauthier BriereFRA 60465 1432 PL-1 BE-2 EF-2 FC-4 SP-2 AG-3
6Johannes SerenGER 19629 1360 SP-1 CZ-3 SL-1 WB-2

FAI World Cup 2024 top positions for class F1Q

1Mihaly VaradiHUN 81492 2111 WB-1 ZA-1 HO-1 HA-1 HC-2
2Fabrizio CeccariniITA 20300 2096 SP-1 AG-1 SM-1 FC-1 HS-3 PT-3 WB-5 SZ-4 BE-5
3Rafal WagnerPOL 118259 1926 SL-2 JA-1 PR-1 SZ-2 SP-3 MV-2 SM-2 ZA-4 HO-5 WB-7
4Andras JancsoHUN 81438 1925 HC-1 DS-1 CR-1 HO-2 SL-4 CZ-4 ZA-5 SZ-5
5Andrea BanciITA 20001 1741 CD-1 MV-1 SL-3 SZ-3 DS-3 CZ-5
6Varadine Fodor ImolaHUN 151492 1696 CZ-1 ZA-2 WB-3 HO-3 SL-6 HC-4 HA-4

FAI World Cup 2024 top positions for class F1Q-Junior

1Franciszek JedrysiakPOL 118251 2005 SP-1 ZA-1 SZ-1 SL-1
2Lorant BuzasHUN 167672 1501 HA-1 CZ-1 WB-1
3Wojciech BartelPOL 131115 1339 JA-1 HO-1 SP-2
4Oskar AmthorGER 172815 1000 JT-1 NC-1
5Csaba Buzas AndrasHUN 139017 501 HC-1
5Naranbolor TsogtbaatarMGL 175586 501 MX-1

F1A/B/C contests included in the 2024 results

countrynumbers flying in Jury report
organiservenue F1AF1A-juniorF1BF1B-juniorF1CF1QF1Q-juniorlinks
KWKiwi Cup of New ZealandNZLUSAFebruary 10-12 38 3 45 7 10 8 0
NANorth American CupCANUSAFebruary 14 26 1 43 8 12 10 0Jury report
MMBob White Memorial Max Men InternationalUSAUSAFebruary 15-19 36 3 48 8 15 10 0Jury report
MEMoose CupFINFINMarch 8 32 4 9 0 0 3 0Jury report
BCBear CupFINFINMarch 9 37 4 10 0 0 4 0Jury report
SPSPZG Cup, Antoon van Eldik MemorialNEDPOLMarch 16 57 13 34 7 3 14 5Jury report
JAJasna 31 Cup Pieter de Boer MemorialNEDPOLMarch 17 33 10 24 5 0 7 2Jury report
HC33rd Herend CupHUNHUNMarch 23-24 45 6 9 0 4 9 2Jury report
AGMemorial Adriano GhiselliITAITAApril 6-7 17 0 11 0 6 6 0Jury report
WWWidgiewa CupAUSAUSApril 21-23 6 0 5 0 7 0 0
ACAFFS ChampionshipsAUSAUSApril 22-23 6 0 6 0 7 0 0
SCSouthern Cross CupAUSAUSApril 24-25 6 0 4 0 6 0 0
SLSalonta CupROUROUMay 11 98 15 52 6 20 17 1Jury report
SZSzab Mikl s MemorialHUNROUMay 12 51 5 17 1 6 9 1Jury report
JTJutland Heath CupDENDENMay 18 21 1 3 0 0 7 1Jury report
NCNorwegian CupNORDENMay 19-20 18 1 2 0 0 7 1Jury report
YKIsmail Sarioglu Free Flight CupTURTURMay 31-June 2 9 0 8 0 0 0 0Jury report
SM41th Srem CupSRBSRBJune 1 67 13 18 0 7 4 0Jury report
MV4th Morava CupSRBSRBJune 2 66 13 17 0 7 4 0Jury report
HAHarghita CupROUROUJune 8 28 5 4 0 5 7 2Jury report
SWSwedish CupSWESWEJune 29 10 1 3 0 0 1 0Jury report
AVAlvaret CupSWESWEJune 30 10 1 3 0 0 0 0Jury report
KZKazakhstan CupKAZKAZJuly 10 6 0 8 0 3 0 0Jury report
ESEurasia CupKAZKAZJuly 12 6 0 9 0 4 0 0Jury report
CRFF CRO Memorijal Damir KosirCROCROJuly 13 43 10 23 5 9 5 0Jury report
DSFF CRO Memorijal Danko SokolicCROCROJuly 14 35 8 20 5 4 7 0Jury report
MGMongolia CupMGLMGLJuly 19 16 3 16 3 9 5 1Jury report
MXMixmen CupMGLMGLJuly 21 18 4 17 3 6 6 2Jury report
FCFriendship CupNORROUJuly 21 53 5 38 4 12 1 0
UNUnited States NationalsUSAUSAJuly 22-24 7 0 5 0 2 5 0Jury report
ASAsian CupMGLMGLJuly 23 19 3 16 2 10 4 0Jury report
PRPrilep Cup - Trophy of PrilepMKDMKDAugust 3-4 57 30 26 13 2 4 0Jury report
HSHispano-FranciaESPFRAAugust 14-15 38 3 23 2 3 13 0
BETroph e Belge, troisi me editionBELFRAAugust 16 38 8 23 3 6 12 0
PT46 me journ es internationales du PoitouFRAFRAAugust 17 27 8 14 2 2 7 0Jury report
EFEifelpokalGERGERAugust 30-September 1 59 13 20 0 5 13 0Jury report
MS60th Mostar CupBIHBIHAugust 31 28 12 12 0 7 0 0Jury report
DNCanada CupCANCANAugust 31 6 0 6 0 2 0 0Jury report
CDCoppa Delle RoccheITAITAAugust 31-September 1 5 0 4 0 1 5 0
HEHuron CupCANCANSeptember 1 5 0 6 0 2 0 0
IK42nd Izet Kurtalic MemorialBIHBIHSeptember 1 24 11 6 0 7 0 0Jury report
NNMemorial Nikolay Y. NikolovBULBULSeptember 6-7 21 8 13 5 4 6 0Jury report
BUBulgaria CupBULBULSeptember 7-8 16 5 12 5 4 6 0Jury report
DKDanish CupDENDENSeptember 7 5 0 0 0 0 3 0Jury report
PL19 me Philippe Lepage - Crit rium Rh ne-AlpesFRAFRASeptember 7-8 21 2 15 1 1 2 0Jury report
SHStonehenge CupGBRGBRSeptember 14 5 0 9 0 4 4 0
EQEquinox CupGBRGBRSeptember 15 5 0 7 0 4 3 0
ZAZabokreky CupSVKSVKSeptember 21 52 16 27 6 4 10 2Jury report
HOHogo CupSVKSVKSeptember 22 51 17 21 6 2 9 2Jury report
MDMacedonia CupMKDMKDSeptember 28-29 17 7 7 1 4 3 0Jury report
SRSierra CupUSAUSAOctober 8-14 11 1 17 0 5 6 0Jury report
KUKotuku Cup Of New ZealandNZLUSAOctober 8-14 11 1 19 1 3 6 0Jury report
ALAnatolian Free Flight CupTURTUROctober 11-13 11 1 9 0 0 0 0Jury report
KCKrka CupSLOSLOOctober 19 42 11 15 3 3 0 0Jury report
SOSLO CupSLOSLOOctober 20 40 11 15 3 3 0 0Jury report
CZCZE CupCZECZEOctober 26 58 13 17 5 10 14 1Jury report
WBWest Bohemian CupCZECZEOctober 27 56 12 15 5 3 14 1Jury report
NGNegev OpenISRISRDecember 26 20 2 13 4 5 7 0
HNHanukkah OpenISRISRDecember 27-28 21 7 20 8 6 0 0

FAI World Cup 2024 top positions for class F1E

1Tiberiu FurjesROU 159663 2343 OK-1 VL-1 PC-1 TC-2 BG-3 PA-5
2Jean-Luc DrapeauFRA 60325 2253 FB-1 GC-2 TZ-2 RB-3 OK-5 TC-4 VL-6 PC-6 PM-10 UE-8
3Eugeny GorbanUKR 119201 2075 PA-1 KA-1 PC-3 RB-5 CA-3 TC-6 BG-12
4Alexander WinkerGER 19388 2062 RB-2 GV-2 OK-3 VL-4 FB-7 PM-8
5Andre TrachezFRA 60168 1908 UE-1 PM-2 GV-5 TZ-7 PE-6 VL-15 GC-9
6Tomas HlavinkaCZE 91468 1854 GV-1 VL-2 SG-2 FB-14

FAI World Cup 2024 top positions for class F1E-Junior

FAI IDpointscompetition results
1Piotr BryjaPOL 119523 1984 SG-1 LM-1 GC-2 UE-2 TZ-3
2Theo LauraFRA 71432 1512 GV-1 VL-1 PM-1
3Leon RinkGER 129837 1300 RB-1 OK-2 FB-3
4Mikolaj PustelnikPOL 163286 1079 GC-1 TZ-2 UE-4
5Eduard BouleanuROU 160514 982 TC-1 RB-2
6David MesarosROU 162526 903 BG-2 RB-3 PA-4

F1E contests included in the 2024 results

countrynumbers flying in Jury report
organisingvenue F1EF1E juniorlinks
KAKiwi World Cup of New ZealandNZLUSAFebruary 10-12 11 0Jury report
CABob White Memorial Max Men California CupUSAUSAFebruary 15-19 13 1Jury report
OKOtto-Kuttler-CupGERGERApril 13 42 8Jury report
FBF hrlberg-CupGERGERApril 14 39 7Jury report
GVMemorial Guido VettorazzoITAITAMay 18 30 6Jury report
VL14 Volare LessiniITAITAMay 19 31 6Jury report
PCMemorial Popa CranguROUROUJuly 27 24 9
TCTurda CupROUROUJuly 28 21 7Jury report
GCGovernor's CupPOLPOLAugust 9 39 14Jury report
TZToszek CupPOLPOLAugust 10 38 14Jury report
UEThe Friendship Cup of Ukraine - Memorial of Valeriy GoryninUKRPOLAugust 11 37 13Jury report
RBRan IICZECZEAugust 24 41 11Jury report
LMLiptovsk Mikul CupSVKSVKAugust 31 14 2Jury report
SGSmeringai Memorial CupSVKSVKSeptember 1 16 3Jury report
PE18 me Poitou CharentesFRAFRASeptember 14 24 3
PMConcours Poitou MoncontourFRAFRASeptember 15 24 3
PAPrista Cup F1EBULBULSeptember 20-21 25 8Jury report
BGBulgaria Cup F1EBULBULSeptember 21-22 27 9Jury report
SISierra CupUSAUSAOctober 8-14 6 0Jury report
KOKotuku Cup Of New ZealandNZLUSAOctober 8-14 7 0Jury report

The following contests were not flown:

Centennial CupUSAF1E Cancelled
Ran ICzech RepublicF1E Not flown

FAI World Cup 2024 top positions for class F1D

1Brett SanbornUSA 68233 1483 MW-1 TD-1 OH-3
2Tiberiu FurjesROU 159663 955 FM-1 OH-5
3Emily GuyettUSA 69331 905 OH-1 MW-3
4Kang LeeUSA 80024 744 MW-2 TD-2
5Radu FoameteROU 79117 682 FM-3 OH-7
6Ivan TregerSVK 24516 535 OH-2

FAI World Cup 2024 top positions for class F1D-Junior

FAI IDpointscompetition results
1Oliver FurjesROU 165282 505 OH-1
1Alexandru MateiROU 166366 505 FM-1
3Daniel GuoUSA 166656 500 MW-1
4Stefan ChiscopROU 165281 389 FM-2 OH-4
5Eric NeaguROU 171880 340 OH-3 FM-3
6Eduard BouleanuROU 160514 338 OH-2

F1D contests included in the 2024 results

countrynumbers flying in Jury report
organisingvenue F1DF1D juniorlinks
OHMemorial Otto HintsROUROUMarch 21-22 25 6
MWMidwestern States ChampsUSAUSAMay 25-27 9 1
TDTagliafico Open / AMA NatsUSAUSAJuly 1-5 5 0
FMMemorial Emil FoameteROUROUNovember 27 14 6Jury report

FAI World Cup 2024 top positions for unofficial class F1N

1Darko OzimecCRO 107300 2477 MA-2 KT-1 SB-1 MU-1 BK-2
2Ivan DeorgievskiSRB 107017 2118 BK-1 PH-1 SB-4 MU-4
3Mirjana OzimecCRO 107301 1829 SB-2 MA-10 MU-6 BK-6 KT-9
4Nikola PopovicSRB 163099 1681 MU-2 KT-6 SB-8 BK-7
5Stevan JanovicSRB 62033 1633 KT-2 MA-13 SB-6 MU-14
6Igor NisevicCRO 61367 1506 GA-4 MU-7 PH-4 BK-8 SB-14 KT-20

FAI World Cup 2024 top positions for unofficial class F1N-Junior

1Mariano TadicCRO 140423 2040 BK-1 MU-2 SB-2 KT-3 MA-14 PH-3
2Josip ResetarCRO 172810 1777 MU-1 SB-3 BK-3 PH-2 KT-8
3Nikola Deorgievski,SRB 107018 1529 SB-1 PH-1 MU-3
4Meateja LitvaiSRB 166352 1089 BK-2 KT-4 MU-6
5Jakov GregicCRO 167101 898 MU-4 SB-5 KT-7 BK-7
6Wiktor LiszkaPOL 172772 668 MA-1

F1N contests included in the 2024 results

countrynumbers flying in Jury report
organisingvenue F1NF1N juniorlinks
GAAcropolis CupGREGREJanuary 28 43 9Jury report
KTKutina Open InternationalCROCROMarch 9 44 19Jury report
MAMedzin rodn Majstrovstv SlovenskaSVKSVKMarch 23 94 54Jury report
BKIX Backa Indoor OpenSRBSRBApril 6 31 13Jury report
TNTagliafico Open / AMA NatsUSAUSAJuly 1-5 1 0
PHPhoenix CupMKDMKDOctober 5 18 7Jury report
SBKup Slavonije i BaranjeCROCROOctober 26 40 16
MU4th Memorijal Murata arkinovicaBIHBIHNovember 9 39 17

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This page produced by Ian Kaynes